Voluntary Trustee Expression Of Interest Form

*Are you passionate about retired police dogs and want to make a difference?*

We're seeking dedicated individuals to join our board of trustees at the Rail Dogs Fund. This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to a cause that supports those who care for these loyal and hardworking animals.

*Key skills which would be a bonus*

* *Website and/or social media expertise:* Experience in creating and managing online platforms would be invaluable.
* *Fundraising experience:* Involvement in charity fundraising would be a great bonus.
* ⁠*Time* Able to commit to minimum four online board meetings

If you're keen to join our team and help us continue our important work, please get in touch!

Expression Form

#RailDogsFund #Volunteers #Trustees #RetiredPoliceDogs #Charity #AnimalWelfare

Rail Dogs Fund